Let’s take a look at why you may be losing your hair and the 10 most common myths that surround the subject.
We’ll find out which ones are true or false.
10 Of the Most Common Hair Loss Myths
Hair loss has been with us since ancient times. For many years folk law was passed down by word-of-mouth, but myths have a life of their own thanks to the internet. Some of these myths do more harm than good, as people will believe a story rather than seeing their GP, a trichologist or hair loss experts like ourselves, to get the right course of treatment. Here are a few of the common hair loss myths that we hear far too often.
1. Hair loss only happens as you get older
Hair loss isn’t just an age thing, it can happen at any time in your life.
Depending on your genetic makeup, you can start to lose hair in your teens. It’s likely that your hair loss has nothing to do with your health or age but rather your genes.
Gradual hair thinning isn’t a guarantee of extensive hair loss, but it’s worth monitoring.
Hair thinning is chronic and progressive so it’s best to get it treated sooner rather than later.
2. Male pattern baldness is passed down from the father
It’s true that Male Pattern Baldness is hereditary, but you inherit it from either your mother or father. As mentioned above, your genetics are the most common cause of hair loss, and your genes are made up from both parents. If one side of your family has a line of males who’ve all showed signs of baldness, then it’s likely you’ll inherit that.
3. Bald men have more testosterone
One common myth that never seems to die is that too much testosterone in men leads to baldness.
The extra testosterone is said to lead to hair falling out, but this isn’t true at all.
DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) causes male pattern hair loss to occur, and because it’s a by-product of testosterone, the link between DHT and baldness is made.
While DHT levels are high during a period of male hair loss, it’s not entirely to blame for this.
Experts have observed hair loss in cases involving high and low testosterone.
However, you can link Tissue DHT in the scalp to pattern hair loss. Tissue DHT is in fact elevated in the scalps of men going bald. A scalp that collects DHT will probably see hair loss follow.
Essentially, men have the same testosterone levels if they go bald or not. It’s down to the sensitivity of your hair follicles which influences the hormones in your body. This sensitivity is decided by your genetics.
4. Stress makes you go bald
Many people have linked stress with hair loss for a long time and it has some correlation but in a rather convoluted way.
With an increased production of adrenaline, the body converts this into cortisol which can raise the level of testosterone in the body.
As testosterone affects sensitive follicles, hair loss and/or thinning can take place. High levels can also impact the hair growth cycle, especially in women.
During a tough period, we also don’t look after ourselves well. For example, you may skip meals or eat processed food with little nutritional benefit. Your diet can affect hair growth, with improper nutrition being a big cause of hair loss in women. Stress also impacts your digestion and your absorption of nutrients which reduces their effectiveness.
However, the hair loss typically associated with stress – telogen effluvium (a resting time in hair growth) and alopecia areata (patchy hair loss) – are temporary issues. A topical or oral solution can help to begin the recovery process.
5. Hair loss is normal
True. It’s perfectly normal to experience some level of hair loss every day.
Our hair grows in a defined cycle, undergoing a 3-5 year growth phase, before going through a brief transition and then shedding, before a new hair takes its place. Every hair on our head goes through this cycle, but they do it all in their own timeframe, so at any given time around 85-90% of our hair is actively growing, while the remaining 10-15% is either in the transition or shedding phases of the cycle.
As a result, it’s perfectly normal to lose around 100-150 hairs each day, most of which will shed unnoticed as we go about our daily business.
6 . Hair loss is caused by age
False. In the majority of hair loss cases, age is not deemed to be the predetermining factor. In fact, hair loss is usually symptomatic of something else that is happening in the body such as a health condition such as diabetes or thyroid problems, genetics or as a response to an external stimulus such as stress.
In a 2016 consumer survey, 58% of women suffering from hair loss pinpointed stress as the cause of their problem.
7 . Vitamin B deficiency causes hair loss
False. Research has shown that there needs to be a significant level of vitamin B deficiency before it causes hair loss. We’re lucky in the western world that, on the whole, our diet is healthy and balanced and contains sufficient vitamins, minerals, and nutrients such as protein.
As a result, only around 2% who suffer hair loss do so as a result of vitamin b deficiency, it is far more common for factors such as illness and medication or even stress to cause hair loss.
8. Washing your hair too often causes hair loss
False. Washing your hair regularly helps to keep your scalp clean and provides a good environment for the hair follicles to function optimally.
That old saying of frequent washing strips the hair of essential oils and changes the scalp environment is a myth.
It is natural to see some hair fall when you wash your hair, but this is due to those hairs which are naturally shed as part of the completion of the Hair Growth Cycle coming loose, rather than as a direct cause of the process of washing your hair. You simply notice them more as they are wet and will cling rather than falling unnoticed as they would if they were dry.
9. Styling your hair can cause hair loss
True. Being overly harsh with your hair can cause breakage, dryness, and hair loss. Excessive use of heat styling tools and overly frequent use of harsh chemical treatments such as bleach can have a detrimental effect on the health of your hair, potentially causing it to dry out and become prone to breakage.
Tight hairstyles can put a strain on the hair root and wearing these styles too often can cause hair to break at root level.
Instead, try leaving your hair to dry naturally as often as possible. If you really must use a dryer, use the lowest heat setting and always keep the dryer moving over the hair, rather than concentrating on one spot.
10. Hair loss treatments don’t work
False! Most people focus on the topical treatments such as shampoos, but to properly your hair loss you need to use a product which can treat the problem systemically, which means taking a product orally so that it can deliver benefits through the blood supply.
Hair loss can be caused by vitamin B deficiency, but only around 2% of hair loss cases are caused by this. While multivitamin products are unlikely to help address hair loss, using a product which contains the essential biologically active molecules which help hair to grow (called proteoglycans) can help to rebalance the Hair Growth Cycle and promote hair growth.
Many people also make the mistake of wanting immediate results and give up on treatments when they don’t see results within a couple of weeks. Hair is very slow growing and, just as the factors which disrupted hair growth can take time to show in the first place, so too can the beneficial effects of any treatment.
Typically, hair only grows a maximum of around ¼ to ½ an inch each month, so the beneficial effect of treatment can take anywhere between 3 and 6 months to become fully visible.
If you are suffering hair loss and are looking for a permanent solution so it is Harley Street Hair Transplant. We know about hair and the causes of hair loss – It’s what we do best.