The forehead is a large, visible part of most people’s faces, which makes it one of the first features we notice in others. You might not have noticed it yet, but your forehead is probably one of the most prominent features of your face. It’s almost impossible to find a person with a small forehead, as even people with smaller facial features tend to have bigger foreheads than usual. In fact, this feature becomes even more prominent when you see someone with a smaller nose or eyes. You can shrink your forehead by using certain techniques, tricks and lifestyle changes to make it appear smaller. If that’s something that concerns you, read on for some simple tricks on how to reduce forehead size naturally. A big forehead is often considered as one of the main indicators of youthfulness and can be quite an unappealing thing to see in an older person who has other features that make them look younger.
However, while there is no way to completely negate the appearance of your forehead, you don’t need to despair either. With a few tricks here and there, you should be able to reduce your forehead size naturally fast and effectively enough so that nobody will notice it anymore!
Why Is Your Forehead Big?
The first thing you should do when trying to reduce your forehead size to get a smaller forehead size is find out the source of the problem. Why is your forehead so much bigger than you’d like it to be? This will indicate which areas you need to focus on when trying to reduce your forehead. We can consider three main reasons for a larger forehead: One common cause of a larger forehead is a certain type of bone structure. While there is no way to change this, you can nevertheless learn to work with it. This is usually the cause behind an unusually prominent supraorbital ridge in the upper forehead. Two other reasons for a larger forehead can be lifestyle choices and bad habits. The most frequent cause of a larger forehead is that you have a larger than average head size.
How to Reduce Forehead Size and Get The Look You Want!
The first thing you should do is make sure that you’re wearing the right hairstyle. A longer hairstyle in particular will make your forehead look larger than usual. You should thus opt for a shorter haircut that is around the same length as your other facial features. If you’re not willing to get a shorter haircut, there are other ways to make your head look smaller. You can, for example, wear a thicker hairstyle or a haircut with bangs. You can also slim down your face and make your forehead appear smaller by reshaping your facial features. This can be done with plastic surgery, but it’s an expensive and risky procedure, so it’s not something you should do carelessly.
Diet to Reduce and get a smaller Forehead Size
Another way to reduce your forehead size is by eating the right foods. – Carrots. Carrots are a rich source of beta-carotene, which can help reduce the appearance of your forehead by making it less oily. – Blueberries. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, which can help reduce the amount of pigmentation thanks to which you can make your forehead appear smaller. – Salmon. Salmon is not only rich in omega-3 fats, but it’s also packed with Vitamin B12. Both of these nutrients can help reduce the appearance of your forehead by making it less oily. – Green Tea. Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants that can help reduce the amount of pigmentation in your skin. This will help to get rid of a big forehead size.
Exercises to Reduce Forehead Size
Exercises are another simple way to reduce your forehead size. – Chin-ups. Chin-ups will work your upper back muscles, making them stronger and thicker, thus helping you to slim down your face. They will also work your forehead muscles, helping you to reduce the look of your forehead. – Push-ups. Push-ups will also help you to slim down your face and reduce the appearance of your forehead, but they also work your jaw muscles, making your jaw appear smaller. – Squats. Squats are an excellent exercise that can help you improve the shape of your body, making your forehead appear smaller in the process. – Wall push-ups. Wall push-ups are a variation of push-ups that are even better for slimming down your face and reducing the appearance of your forehead. – Wall squats. Wall squats are a variation of squats that are better for slimming down your face and reducing the appearance of your forehead.
Trick with Eye Shadow and Highlighter
Last, but not least, you can make your forehead appear smaller by highlighting and bringing attention to your other facial features. – Highlight your brow bone. Use a lighter colored eyeshadow and apply it under your eyebrows to draw attention to your brow bone. This will make your forehead appear narrower and smaller. – Highlight your cheekbones. Use a highlighter on your cheekbones and the bridge of your nose to make your face appear slimmer overall. This will also help you to draw attention away from your forehead. – Highlight your jaw line. Use an eyeshadow to apply a darker color along your jaw line to make your face appear slimmer. This will also draw attention away from your forehead.
Having a large forehead can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it can make you look younger, but on the other hand, it can also make you look unattractive and unappealing. Luckily, you can use these tips and tricks to reduce your forehead size and even get the look you want! If you follow these tips, you should be able to reduce your forehead size fast and effectively enough so that nobody will notice it anymore!